Professional Development all day yesterday! That used to mean that my tushy would be sore and I would be SO tired from my brain not working all day. Doing nothing can really sap your energy.
It is a good thing that times have changed. I spent the morning with the other art teachers. We always have a lively discussion and I always walk out questioning the philosophy of teaching art.
The afternoon was spent challenging the way we do things as a school. We saw an awesome video based on a TED TALK that Sir Ken Robinson did a few years ago. (I have seen it a few times, but I was just thinking last week that our staff needed to see it also. I found myself paying attention to the group reaction to his message. I know how I feel about his words, but it always surprises me when other don't agree with me!) Then we spent time in small groups and the Iowa Core.
My favorite quote came from a student teacher working in my building. "I can learn from you, you can learn from me." I decided to try this out today when I started puppet making with a group of 2nd and 3rd graders. I asked for a few students to become teachers, to learn the skill first and then be willing to teach the others at their table how to do it. At the end of the class I asked them if they had any advice for the kids they would be teaching next time. Many of the comments focused on messing around, and then one girl surprised me. She said, "Think about your idea and listen to the people around you who may know more than you."
WHOA! That was the message from our professional development yesterday. If we as teachers can do this, imagine the possibilities!
Think about your idea and listen to the people around you who may know more than you...I love it. That could go for us as adults.