Sunday, March 28, 2010

Still Life

I introduced the idea of still life to my classes last week.   I defined still life as the main subject being an object that could be arranged.  I may have confused a few kids because I was a little hungry when I put my presentation together and most of the images were of food!  I brought in a big gum ball machine my dad gave me.  I bought gum balls this weekend so they may be even MORE motivated when they see it full!  I also had stuffed animals, bottles, plastic fruit and flowers available.  A few students drew markers, pencils, easels and even the chairs from around the room.  It lead to many discussions about the difference between a portrait and still life.  Some students questioned whether the playground and houses we see outside could be still life.  It was fun for me to hear the conversations and clarifications between students.  It was interesting to see the challenges they set up for themselves.